Blog Views
So, you want your blog to get a lot a views really fast?
Well, don't go off asking for it. You can't look up and research all these tactics and programs and hope to find some magic secret that is going to get you ten thousand views in one second. No, it doesn't work like that at all. You want your blog to be successful? Write. Write a lot. Don't stop writing. When you aren't writing, read. When you aren't reading, write. If you aren't doing either of those things then you damn sure better be doing something productive. It takes dedication.
But all these programs and techniques seem to work!
Yes, they do work. For the people who made them. The people who made these programs and tactics that you are researching, buying, signing up, and working for are the ones making all the money. Do yourself a favor, and close all the bullshit that you are reading. Close my webpage right now if you already get the gist of what I'm saying. Now, start typing. You can't expect to make views and make money from a blog that is severely lacking content. You can write about anything you can imagine. Anything that pops up in your mind can be typed and published. I used to be so dry and unimaginative, and I am still sort of that way. I realized that people can be entertained by anything though. You could type the word apple a thousand times, and someone would somehow find your blog and be like, wow, this guys likes apples.
I have absolutely nothing to write about!
Why are you trying to blog then? Damn, if it is that hard for you to come up with content then the writing game isn't for you. Do you know why? Because just the fact that you are unable to write and be creative is a subject in itself. Go write about how you have nothing to write about. Write about how the author of this blog is a dick, I really don't care. I'm just telling you that it is stupid to expect that your blog or website will be successful without the production of content. Hell, hire somebody if you need to. If you are going to try to create massive traffic to your website and make money, then yo
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